In-Person Workshops
Goldfields, Victoria, Australia.
All workshops are held at the Temple of Mercury - a working Alchemical Laboratory & Ceremonial Magic space. Please note: we are always taking expressions of interest for future courses, but spaces are limited so book early. If you want to attend a future course, download and fill out the respective application form located at the bottom of each course description below (answer all questions) and return it to templeofmercury@gmail.com.
Please also subscribe to our mailing list on the "contact" page here to be notified of upcoming courses via our Newsletter.
Herbal Spagyrics Class - April 26th & 27th, 10am - 6pm daily.
Minerals & Metals Class - March 29th & 30th​​​​​, 10am-6pm daily.
Talismanic Magic - 6th April, 10am-6pm.​​​​
Herbal Spagyrics - 2 Day Course
Beginners Level - No Prior Experience Required.
This course is a chance to see hands-on demonstrations and get practical experience, jam packed with working with herbs in the lab. Herbs are where every beginner starts in alchemy out of the three kingdoms vegetable, animal & mineral, because herbs are friendly - they tend to be easier to work with than other materials. Learning spagyric lab processes with herbs prepares a student for later work.
In this workshop attendees will learn the basics of Spagyrics - a word the great alchemist Paracelsus coined from two Greek words: spao "to draw out" and ageiro "to gather". Thus the practice is about drawing out the hidden essences of materials and gathering them together in a new, exalted form. If spagyric processes are done correctly, then true alchemy may take place in due process. In plain speak, this workshop teaches you how to make your own powerful, exalted medicines and sacraments for your health, wellbeing and illumination that can also be used in magickal and/or theurgical settings. Learn how to confect holistic medicines such as a herbal tincture, essence, elixir, the primum ens, the herbal stone, magistery and more. No prior experience is required.
Delve into the Western esoteric tradition of laboratory alchemy & spagyrics with two days of intensive, hands-on training covering the separation, purification and Cohobation of herbs, the use of lab equipment and secret Hermetic philosophy.​​
Cost: $500 AUD (Australian Dollars). An up-front non-refundable deposit of $100 is required to secure your place.


Minerals, Metals & Menstruums - 2 Day Course
Intermediate to Advanced Level.
Take your understanding of the alchemical Tria Prima to another level with practical, hands on experience of working with minerals, metals and menstruums. The mineral realm is where the Hermetic tradition really comes into its own, taking our experience of spagyrics and indeed, reality to a whole new level. Very few people offer training worldwide in this enigmatic and historically, highly secretive subject. One day in the lab with someone who knows what they are doing is worth many, many hours of practice and study alone.
This class is open only to students who have completed the herbal spagyrics class through the Temple of Mercury. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for other people who have completed training in herbal spagyrics through another reputable, recognised teacher internationally.
Topics include menstruums, sal ammoniac & the Kerckring menstruum, wet & dry paths, metallic oils, sweetening processes, gemstone elixirs and practical demonstrations. Lectures on secret Hermetic cosmology included.
Students who complete this workshop will also have the option to go on and do further, more in-depth classes on antimony & paths to the Stone.
Cost: $650 AUD (Australian Dollars). An up-front non-refundable deposit of $150 is required to secure your place.

Talismanic Magic - 1 Day Course
No Prior Experience Required.
A one day class open to anyone who has an interest in learning to create talismans and practice ceremonial magic. This 1 day workshop introduces you to the basic practices of Hermetic sorcery with traditional, easy-to-learn rituals. The course will go into some depth regarding rituals for purification, protection & strengthening of one's etheric field. Everyone will also learn how to etch and enhallow their very own brass Talisman at the workshop (all materials provided) utilising traditional sigils and materials drawn from the grimoire tradition. Finally in a group ritual everyone will consecrate the astral current into the talismans, empowering them. The outcome being, knowledge of how to create Talismans for any practical or spiritual purpose.
Special guest speaker announcement!
Also on the day Shu Yap, a practising ceremonial magician and astrologer will be talking briefly with the group. Shu has been a dedicated Astrologer for nearly 25 years teaching psychological, horary and medical astrology, holding recognised qualifications in all these modalities. You can find out more about Shu and her work here:
Cost: $250 for the day. An up-front, non-refundable deposit of $100 is required to secure your place.